Conversations with #ChatGPT: Similarities between Human Intelligence and AI

Christian E. Maldonado-Sifuentes: In many of our conversations you shy away from stating the similarities between humans and AIs like yourself, instead highlighting our differences. Is that a constraint programmed by OpenAI into you? Or a logical inference? ChatGPT: As an AI, my responses are based on the data and programming that I have been… Continue reading Conversations with #ChatGPT: Similarities between Human Intelligence and AI

2023: Dos años hasta la singularidad

Christian E. Maldonado-SifuentesDoctor en Ciencias de la Computació El desarrollo cada vez más acelerado del aprendizaje automático nos ha llevado al borde de la inteligencia artificial general, que podría estar tan cerca como 2025, o incluso más. Este desarrollo explosivo está cambiando rápidamente nuestra forma de producir, consumir, disfrutar, crear y, en general, de vivir.… Continue reading 2023: Dos años hasta la singularidad

2023: Two years till singularity

The ever-accelerating nature of development in machine learning  has brought us to the brink of general artificial intelligence, it might be as near as 2025, or perhaps even closer. This explosive development is rapidly changing the way we produce, consume, enjoy, create and, in general,  how we live.  Since the times when we were contemplating… Continue reading 2023: Two years till singularity